Meet Bri Eldridge intro image
Meet Bri Eldridge

In August, Bri Eldridge celebrated her fourth year at MacRostie as a Wine Ambassador. If you’ve had the pleasure to meet Bri, or have had her host you during a visit, then you know that Bri’s warmth and joyful positivity is absolutely infectious. While Bri loves teaching people about our wines, as a wine country native who grew up in the Russian River Valley her goal is for guests to remember the entire experience, and not just the wines. “It’s a wonderful feeling to help people create a deeper connection to this beautiful place.”

Bri Eldridge - Wine Ambassador

When asked what inspires her, Bri’s response is simple, “I like to find happiness by focusing on others. I want them to feel welcomed with open arms. When you see a guest with a huge smile, you know that you’ve helped create more than a moment—you’ve created a memory. That attitude starts from the top. After the 2017 fires we had a big staff meeting.

“I expected it to be about finances and hitting sales goals, but it wasn’t. It was a meeting to let us know that MacRostie’s priority was keeping us safe—both mentally and physically. They treated us like family and it touched my heart. It shaped how I approach my role as an ambassador and made me proud to be a part of a company that really cares.”

May 28, 2024
The MacRostie Estate House
At the Estate House

The MacRostie Estate House

Almost a decade ago, when we unveiled our stunning MacRostie Estate House in the idyllic Russian River Valley, we had big dreams. More than just opening another wine country tasting […]

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February 28, 2024
Pouring Progress
At the Estate House

Pouring Progress

“If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.” – Shirley Chisholm (1924-2005), U.S. Congresswoman In a perfect world, it might not be necessary to […]

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